Did you have a great 2024? I hope so. And as for Jenny and me, I think we did on a personal level. It kind of just flew by. But on the macro there was a lot of shit going on around the world. I’d speak on those things, but perhaps not in this post aside from a few snarking comments.
First, there’s the book. Alex are you done???? Or maybe it’s, wait you’re working on a book? What the hell do you know about writing? It’s chugging along. I can’t remember if I’ve mentioned the topic, but it is a first person fictionalized story of my time in culinary school back in 2006. Hipsters were only barely creeping into New York City, the iPhone didn’t exist, and DiCaprio and Gisele Bundchen were still together. Some themes are food vs cuisine, the transition of the food scene, the rise of the celebrity chef and chef millionaires, and other shit.
You learn a lot about yourself writing fiction like your habits, neurosis, anxieties, etc… And since you are determined you must create new habits and routines to get things moving along. Another theme in the book is “time”. If you know me well you know that I have a special relationship with time. It is my torturer, and closest thing to a personal deity. That is why when we had our store my motto was “If you can do it now, do it now!” I put a lot of pressure on myself, but even if I get this book done and worked on the others I have outlined I’m not sure I’d consider myself a writer. I’m just someone who wants to express ideas and it can be in any form, as long as it hits a nerve. Plus none of that takes into account the maturity to be able to express things effectively let alone the skill.
Jenny and I did a fair bit of traveling this year if you go back into the previous blog posts. From the frozen forests of Washington State, tiled sidewalks of Barcelona, mascletas of Valencia, Thomas Jefferson’s pompous wine cellar, a remote island on the Adriatic, and to my family’s rice farm in the Philippines we experienced a decent amount. Such a world in flux. There’s good, bad, worse, and seedlings of things that hopefully flower into something beautiful. On the shores of a Croatian beach I listened as thousands of boulder sized rocks roared as the waves came crashing in. And there I realized that what was more important than thinking about the world was to listen. The world is full of information that it is almost a bottomless well. And that is the structure of our modern society. And if you listen most of that stuff is just noise, useless ass noise.
Now let me switch to something better to the eyes, nose, and tongue. We ate at some Michelin blah blah and Top 50 Restaurant yada yada, but also closet sized vermut bars and even a food truck on a Native American reservation. My conclusion? Do whatever makes you happy, like truly truly happy and not just checking off a box. I was disgusted to be in an alleged top restaurant and the table next to me recorded their entire meal, and possibly live streamed it. I also got rather depressed at another place because their music in the restrooms sounded straight from a looney bin. How did they expect me to enjoy the food when washing your hands feels like the moment leatherface drops the chainsaw on your neck? The best meals I had on our travels were at a small Vermut bar in Barcelona, a cevapi place in Split, and a seafood place on Vis. I base this on the quality of the food and the hospitality of the people working/owning them. The fancy places take too many risks to be consistent, at least they are daring and strike with creativity. It becomes performance art, and some days are better than others just like going to watch a Broadway show. And let’s be real, there’s a big market for this performance art food. Bigger than the talent pool. But I say, hey keep throwing things against the wall and give it a go. Eventually the next thing will come around and it will burn bright.
Did anything surprise you this year? Three things were fairly surprising for me, and they’re all related to the election. One was America’s willingness to cynically betray one of its primary myths: that we always do the right thing in the end. Two was watching the moment when the Democratic Party of my youth implode. I was in the Philippines during the election and I remember watching at my aunt’s house a specific moment that it all became so apparent. And three was watching the tech bros steal the Presidency from MAGA. Maybe the third one isn’t conclusive yet, and I know some will say the second isn’t the case. Sure, okay. I just want our society to be about us again, and not billionaires consolidating their fiefs. I was raised in the Classical Liberal shades of the Roosevelt clan; so whatever makes homes cheaper, health insurance cheaper, people happier, the general vibe of desperation wither, and the New York Jets not a shitty team I am down.
Oh my god, above I said I wasn’t going to speak on a few things but I did anyway. Oops.
2025 I’ll continue to work on this book and ideally by the end of it I can beg a few of you with help finding people to pitch for publishing. If not then maybe I’ll use ai to turn it into an anime. We have plans to go to France in the winter and specifically down to Dordogne. It is the land of Foie, but I am really there to attempt to see the painted caves. I’m obsessed with beauty and especially the primeval. What could be more captivating? There may be a trip to Chicagoland for a Cubs game, deep dish, hot dogs with lots of pickles and relish, and the Art Institute. But everything else is on a holding pattern until we see Donnie Boy in power. As the grand finance wizards of Wall Street like to say on Bloomberg: We don’t know what we don’t know.