From CEM to APEM

Our previous business was Cremeux Ex Machina ( and when we started it I had a specific set of goals and ambitions. In my 20s I had a lot to prove to myself. From actually being on an organic farm with a specific type of milk and cow, to a small batch machine, to pasteurizing, and to buying direct from small farms there was always some element to double down on.

 APEM is in another world. We hope to build up relationships with small farms here that grow really great fruits and ingredients to really embrace them in the moment. That being said I doubt it will ever encompass the whole package like Cremeux Ex Machina did because this area is less about ideology and more about the end product.

 APEM now is a settled project. I’m in my 30s and I’m less about the grandiose and ambition and more about embracing what I have and enjoying myself. Ironically, my time in the Bay Area just brought out the Jersey in me.

Paul Rea